Geph 4.0.10

拿我自己举个例子 我一开始遇到问题也没找FAQ(更倾向于找不到......)然后进群 很多人都会像我一开始这样 然后问题同质化严重


1 个赞

现在用4.0.7 真是卡出了翔。不知道群主这几天是在搞什么。不要这么频繁的更新好么?


I'm using windows10, chrome.
I think it's not the proxy setting. Everything was fine till yesterday. :open_mouth:

Can you attach or private message me the logs? It's not normal if you can connect but the internet doesn't work.

210204 Log without VPN.tar (10 KB) 210204 Log with VPN.tar (5.5 KB)

Sure. Here ya. :open_mouth:

What ISP are you using? It seems like the quality of the connection is very poor. Perhaps I can add some bridges that will improve your connection.

Jeez, thanks a lot but you don't need to suffer like that.

It says 中国 江苏 无锡 滨湖 中国电信
But maybe because i'm using hotel's public network.
I'm planing to move to another hotel tomorrow, so.. let me try in the other place.

Agian, Thanks for your all concern.

:+1::+1::+1: 看来iOS有希望了

You can now get the latest version from here also.