Flatpak 4.8.2客户端不知道为什么会闪退

使用的是KDE plasma和Arch linux。目前的状况是如果运行 flatpak run io.geph.Gephgui 会出现以下日志:

May 25 13:54:45.297 DEBUG gephgui_wry: Logging configured!
entering wry loop
enter autoupdate loop
May 25 13:54:45.302 DEBUG agent_thread{id=0}: isahc::agent: agent took 659.561µs to start up
May 25 13:54:45.897  INFO gephgui_wry: Wry has started!
May 25 13:54:47.058 DEBUG gephgui_wry: loaded embedded resource index.html
May 25 13:54:47.063 ERROR gephgui_wry: NO SUCH embedded resource assets/index.51c12d38.js
May 25 13:54:47.078 DEBUG gephgui_wry: loaded embedded resource assets/Inter-Regular.d612f121.woff2
May 25 13:54:47.079 DEBUG gephgui_wry: loaded embedded resource assets/Inter-SemiBold.15226129.woff2
May 25 13:54:47.079 DEBUG gephgui_wry: loaded embedded resource assets/index.ab3eda3a.css
May 25 13:54:47.081 DEBUG gephgui_wry: loaded embedded resource assets/Inter-Medium.1b498b95.woff2
May 25 13:54:47.084 DEBUG gephgui_wry: loaded embedded resource assets/Inter-MediumItalic.81600858.woff2
May 25 13:54:47.094 DEBUG gephgui_wry: loaded embedded resource assets/index.4ac8eb2f.js
May 25 13:54:48.490 DEBUG gephgui_wry: loaded embedded resource gephlogo.png
params: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"get_announcements","params":[],"id":1}
[geph4client INFO]: geph4-client v4.8.2 starting...
[geph4client::binderproxy INFO]: binder proxy mode started; send a JSON-RPC line on stdin to get a response
May 25 13:54:49.011 DEBUG handle_set_conversion_factor{params=(1.0666666666666669,)}: gephgui_wry::rpc_handler: factor=1.0666666666666669
May 25 13:54:49.021 DEBUG gephgui_wry::rpc_handler: set_conversion_factor took 9.366352ms
[geph4client::binderproxy INFO]: binder proxy once
     [geph4client::fronts DEBG]: selecting binder front 1 for method "get_announcements"
     [geph4client::fronts WARN]: binder front 1 failed: non-200 status: 404 Not Found
     [geph4client::fronts DEBG]: backing off for 727.574274ms
     [geph4client::fronts DEBG]: selecting binder front 2 for method "get_announcements"


Windows 系统自4.7.12以来亦是 今天所有版本的Geph又都無法登錄了
Windows 下的完美再现 今天所有版本的Geph又都無法登錄了 - #6,来自 匿名1147
提出问题的第一人 4.7.12的bug:无法看到链接状态,以及,GUI和client分离导致的严重UX问题

1 个赞

