4.99.22 doesn't work like expected in Russia

I just tried this. Problem is, the utility requires having a local proxy address (the offered being clearly a placeholder). Which for Geph is... what? I tried just the address of the server listed on Geph's main. I tried adding the Listening Port there in the same format.

It didn't work. I'm pretty sure I followed instructions well.

To clarify: I did also try, as per the letter of instruction, just in case. But it doesn't work, the launch still fails at the update check.




Well, you see. I arranged this screencap. The DLL dutifully copied (of correct version too for my system), the address is taken from Geph's own data. It doesn't work. Will try more, of course, but so far no luck. or


(accidentally deleted my previous reply, but for posterity - yes, it works now)

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