Geph 4.8 and our roadmap to decentralization / 迷雾通 4.8 以及迷雾通的去中心化愿景

Geph 4.8 has just been released. Some of its features include:

  • Improved UI: better error reporting, animations, and logging
  • Enhanced reconnection performance: suitable for unstable networks
  • Security updates for sosistab2 and other underlying protocols

As usual, downloads can be found on our official website

Mel integration and decentralization

A particularly unique feature in this release is improved connection security through integration with a decentralized, Mel-based public key infrastructure. A further discussion can be found on Mel's blog.

Mel is a prototype layer 1 blockchain, also founded by Geph's creator @nullchinchilla. Unlike current blockchains that focus on "crypto" apps like smart contract-based DeFi and are difficult to use to secure non-blockchain apps, Mel aims to become an extremely robust, credibly neutral base layer for censorship resistance and decentralization in applications across the whole internet.

This initial PKI-level integration makes it harder for attackers to compromise our servers and spy on Geph traffic. In the future, we aim to transform Geph into a fully decentralized, confederal anti-censorship relay protocol, and we look forward to sharing more details in the future!

我们刚刚发布迷雾通 4.8 版。它的一些新功能包括:

  • UI 改进:更好的错误报告、动画和日志记录
  • 更快重连:适合不稳定的网络环境
  • sosistab2 及其他底层协议的安全更新


Mel 的整合与去中心化

但这次发布有另一个特别独特的功能——与基于 Mel 的公钥基础设施(PKI)的整合。这将显著降低迷雾通客户端对服务器的信任,进而提高安全性。(更多细节可以在 Mel 的博客 上找到)

Mel 是一个正在研发中的去中心化区块链,同样由迷雾通作者 @nullchinchilla 创立。Mel 与目前围绕「币圈」的区块链截然不同:它旨在成为帮助整个互联网——特别是迷雾通这种非区块链应用——实现抗审查和去中心化的基础层,因而完全专注在去中心化、可信中立、链下整合这些经常被目前的区块链遗忘的最重要特性。

这一初步的 PKI 整合对迷雾通的改变并不大——只是使攻击者更难以攻破我们的服务器并监视迷雾通流量。但在未来,我们计划将迷雾通变成一个完全去中心化的邦联式翻墙协议,我们也非常期待与大家分享接下来的计划!

10 个赞

Latest version 4.8 is on a loop in windows. refreshing user info...

4 个赞

This has been fixed. Download it again and reinstall and this problem should be gone.

6 个赞


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注:升到4.8后命令行运行方式有所变化 / NB: New command starting with 4.8


[command] connect --username [username] --password [password] --exit-server [server name]


[command] connect --exit-server [server name] auth-password --username [username] --password [password]

6 个赞

there's a three-step process for creating a block in Mel:
the stakers, among themselves, 三个步骤是下面这样?

1、run a BFT to decide the block
2、an "asking around" gossip produces a consensus proof
3、the block, with a consensus proof attached, is broadcast throughout the Mel network and becomes part of history.

在 1 之前,不需要先产生候选区块?怎样产生?这个链会不会分叉,如果分叉如何选择?

"asking around" 是否比一般的 BFT 对网络质量的要求更高?

nuking 是由谁在什么条件下如何发动的?

3 个赞

这些可以到 Mel 的社区里(主要是 Discord )问哦,这里还是讨论迷雾通

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I redownloaded and reinstalled several times and it didn't solve the problem. ask for help

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windows new version have many bugs.

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参考:win10无法登入迷雾通4.6-4.7 - #4,来自 匿名1147 第二条。。。

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那就多采用几条呗 :joy:


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倒是见过:4.8.1老是显示“正在刷新用户信息”。建议推出绿色便携版 - #4,来自 匿名1147

1 个赞

有新版 geph4-client 的下载地址么?

flatpak 一直不能用,界面一片空白。

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