Test new anti-censorship tech, win free Plus! / 测新翻墙技术,赢免费 Plus!

Test new anti-censorship tech, win free Plus!

We're thrilled to announce a Geph promotion program to test the latest anti-censorship technology we're developing as part of the Mel project -- Earendil!

What is Earendil?

Earendil is the world's first decentralized and anonymous anti-censorship communication network. It is designed to function even when current anti-censorship methods and assumptions that projects like Geph or Tor rely on fail. It's built to work even if the entire internet is censored like China's.

Earendil and similar Mel-backed protocols will enable a new generation of secure and interoperable apps empowering entirely new levels of human autonomy and coordination. Once Earendil reaches maturity, we plan to upgrade Geph's backend technology to use Earendil.

Getting free Plus

We've just released the public pre-alpha of Earendil, and we invite you to try running an Earendil node! The first 300 users to run a node have a chance to win free Geph Plus! Here's how:

  1. Set up an Earendil node: Quick start - Earendil docs
  2. Submit your node's information: Geph Rewards for Earendil Prealpha Testing
  3. Keep your node running, use Earendil to browse the web, and you'll be automatically entered into a daily raffle! When you win the raffle, we'll send a 30-day Plus giftcard to your provided email!
  4. Ask any questions and report bugs in Earendil's Telegram or Discord group

Note that on average:

  • Running a relay node for 1 day gives you 1 day of Plus
  • Relays that have more immediate neighbors have a greater chance of winning
  • Running a client node for 4 days gives you 1 day of Plus

Only 300 spots are available! Good luck! And Merry Christmas!

测新翻墙技术,赢免费 Plus!

我们很高兴宣布一个新的迷雾通奖励计划:测试我们在 Mel 项目旗下开发的最新抗封锁技术 —— Earendil!

什么是 Earendil?

Earendil 是全世界第一个去中心化的抗封锁匿名通讯系统。同样重要的是,Earendil 在目前的翻墙工具(例如迷雾通、Tor)所常用的技术失效时也能运作。即使整个互联网都部署了像中国防火墙那样的审查机制,Earendil 仍然能保证人们自由地通讯。

Earendil 和其他同样基于 Mel 的协议将使更完全地保护用户隐私、权益、合作的新一代网络应用成为可能。等 Earendil 技术成熟后,迷雾通的后端技术也将使用 Earendil,迷雾通也会届时成为第一个真正去中心化的翻墙工具。

获取免费 Plus

我们刚刚发布了 Earendil 的公开预阿尔法版本,邀请您来参与运行一个 Earendil 节点!前 300 名运行节点的用户有机会赢得免费的迷雾通 Plus 会员!方法如下:

  1. 运行一个 Earendil 节点:快速入门 - Earendil docs
  2. 提交您节点的信息:Geph Rewards for Earendil Prealpha Testing
  3. 持续运行您的节点,并使用 Earendil 代理翻墙。您会自动参与到每天进行的 30 天 Plus 礼品卡 抽奖中!当您中奖时,我们会把礼品卡发到您提供的邮件中。
  4. 加入 Earendil 的 电报Discord 群获得支持和报告错误


  • 连续运行中继节点1天可获得大概1天的 Plus 服务
  • 中继节点直接邻居越多,中奖机会越大
  • 连续运行客户端节点4天可获得大概1天的 Plus 服务

仅限300个名额! 祝您好运!祝您圣诞快乐!

5 个赞


2 个赞


请问怎么安装的 看不懂作者出的教程 :melting_face:.........






所以整个模式不太像传统的 tor bridges 那样,更像机场,每一个节点都像一个机场运营商,都有自发的动力找到安全的分享「订阅」的方法。

3 个赞

总连不上github,下载https://github.com/mel-project/earendil.git,time out好几次,
最后终于下载好了,教程说 将此配置文件保存为名为 config.yaml 的文件,也没说保存到什么地方


第二步说 提供Earendil节点的指纹, 在配置 config 中添加一个 identity_seed 部分,以赋予您的节点一个持久的身份
