Geph 4.2.1 / 迷雾通 4.2.1

Geph 4.2.1 released!

Major changes / 主要更改

  • Added TCP mode. This allows connecting to Geph in environments that do not allow UDP, makes upstream proxy support a possibility in the future, and improves performance on a minority of networks that rate-limit UDP.
  • No longer tries to obtain administrative privileges for VPN mode on Windows, as the previous approach was very buggy. Instead, prompts the user to manually start Geph with administrative privileges.
  • Small bugfixes and optimizations

Download links

Android APK
Windows 32/64-bit
Linux amd64
macOS 64-bit

5 个赞

What is geph4-client switch for "Use Global VPN" functionality?

This might help.

1 个赞

Will the Google play version be more frequently updated? This thread started 5 days ago, but I only got update from google play like 5 minutes ago.

He didn't submit the app to Google Play until today...

when can users expect to have upstream-proxy support?

cheer up! ohhhhh
