Geph 4.4.0 released!
Major changes / 主要更改
- Protocol has been significantly refactored and upgraded. This fixes a lot of existing issues, like switching bridges when not needed and suboptimal performance on networks with packet loss.
协议大重构,解决了非常多问题,包括无意义换桥、丢包率测试不准导致高丢包网络性能不佳等等。 - Debug log export has been rewritten to save all logs on disk. This lets you export logs without Geph being on, letting you report problems that cause Geph to crash.
Because this release involves major internal changes that have a higher-than-usual risk of breakage, we are not releasing 4.4.0 onto the website and autoupdate channels just yet. We will do so in a few days if it turns out 4.4.0 is stable.