为了提高论坛质量,我刚刚给论坛开了一个 「地下室」分类。这个分类会放一些质量不高的内容,类似品葱的「水」区,并且在首页上默认不会显示。
- 西方敌对势力控制的暴徒就是该死,没用坦克直接上去碾压简直就是仁慈了!
- 从一个功利主义伦理学的角度,即使64清场是伤害了广场上的学生,只要整体社会得到的好处比广场上学生得的伤害大,64清场就是好事,是没有任何道德问题的。就像西方国家做很多社会福利,同样是广大人民从社会服务得的利益超过了富人从税收受到的损失。而我认为镇压学生运动在当时的中国符合这种条件,因为(甲)(乙)(丙)(丁)....
In order to improve the quality of discussions on the forum, I've created a new basement category. Low-quality threads will be moved to the basement, which is hidden on the homepage by default.
Exact rules have not yet been formulated, but the general idea is that the basement will have much laxer rules than the rest of the forum, where standards for quality will then be raised. The basement will allow pretty much anything that's not blatantly abusive (e.g. doxxing, spamming, etc).
In any case, the forum's committment to freedom of speech and viewpoint diversity has not changed. No post will be moved to the basement based on the opinion it advocates --- only how it is advocated. High-quality defenses of wrong, or even abhorrent opinions will not be censored into the basement.
I will be trying to move some threads to the basement over the next few days; please leave your feedback on this new feature!
您是否支持论坛开启地下室分类? / Do you support the addition of the basement category?
- 支持 / Yes
- 反对 / No
- 没意见 / Unsure
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