
中文圣经目前只找到了 和合本,但我个人感觉 和合本 的翻译有很多地方和原文有出入,而且行文也不太符合现代汉语的标准了。后来看了 和合本修订版新汉语译本,感觉都还不错。可惜的是,似乎因为版权的原因,很难找到这2个译本的 pdf 或者 epub 格式的书籍下载,想问一下有没有可推荐的离线圣经资源网站?

英文《聖經》單推 NASB。不過耶穌基督與使徒用的都是 LXX 七十士譯本。英文 LXX 好像就是最早的 KJV。

NASB 注釋很多,主要是說明原文、少數古抄本、古譯本是什麼,還有斜體表明添加的文字。而相比 NASB,中文和合本很多地方還更接近希伯來原文呢——至少我現在對比了創世紀前幾十章是這樣子。


哦,原來你是說舊和合本啊。舊和合本譯名是與現代華語譯名有蠻大區別的。中文譯本我祇看 RCU17TS,就是和合本 2017 年修訂版。英文譯本有些是一些異端教會搞的,刻意修改一些翻譯,爲了他們的異端信仰服務,所以英文、中文我都祇有少數信任的譯本。


不可以自己複製、粘貼嗎?Bible Gateway 最多一次 10 章

中文和英文的异端译本我只知道 耶和华见证人 教派的 新世界译本,你说的其它的异端译本我个人就不太清楚了,关于这个你有什么建议吗

Bible Gateway 一页经文复制的最多数量 应该是取决于页面的最大显示行数,你可以试试一次性打开约翰福音的 1-10 章:链接在此,实际上只显示了 1-6 章的内容,第 6 章只有部分内容显示了出来
我还是先找找其它网站有没有 RCU17SS 或者 RCU17TS 的电子书,毕竟一页一页复制实在太麻烦,找不到的话再考虑自己复制

我的英语水平有限,现在只是在看简单的 新国际译本(NIV) 和版主推荐的 英文标准版(ESV)NASB 的话我打算未来把英语练好了再试着琢磨


沒有。摩門教有他們的譯本,星期六教會(seventh day adventist)應該也有他們的譯本。總之我是自動懷疑不認識的譯本,畢竟說不準哪裏就會曲解、竄改《聖經》。


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NIV、ESV 都是很普遍、常見、可信的譯本。NASB 注重準確,注釋很多,但譯文還是普通、簡單的現代英文,閱讀起來與 NIV、ESV 一樣簡單,絕非「準確就是用多華麗、艱深的辭藻」。

隨便翻了翻 Google。這位認爲耶穌說的話是希伯來語,但使徒寫福音用的是七十士譯本。

Jesus could have taught in Greek at times if the need arose, which might very well be the case. However, he taught in his native language of Hebrew. A few of the quotations of Jesus from the Old Testament in the NT Gospels, even in the book of Matthew, are strongly Septuagintal. However, Jesus in all likelihood spoke in Hebrew as he quoted the OT in his teaching the Jewish people or responding to Jewish religious leaders, and the Gospel writers were moved along by Holy Spirit to use the Septuagint that was the preferred reading . . . .

Quora 的一個回答

Of the approximately 300 Old Testament quotes in the New Testament, approximately 2/3 of them came from the Septuagint (the Greek translation of the Old Testament) which included the deuterocanonical books that the Protestants later removed.



主元一世紀的猶太人 Josephus 稱,大多數猶太人不會希伯來語,對希臘語則不感興趣,且希伯來語、希臘語均爲第二語言,而非母語,估計當時猶太人主流語言、母語是 Aramaic 阿拉姆語。

I have also taken a great deal of pains to obtain the learning of the Greeks, and understand the elements of the Greek language, although I have so long accustomed myself to speak our own tongue, that I cannot pronounce Greek with sufficient exactness; for our nation does not encourage those that learn the languages of many nations, and so adorn their discourses with the smoothness of their periods; because they look upon this sort of accomplishment as common, not only to all sorts of free-men, but to as many of the servants as please to learn them. But they give him the testimony of being a wise man who is fully acquainted with our laws, and is able to interpret their meaning; on which account, as there have been many who have done their endeavors with great patience to obtain this learning, there have yet hardly been so many as two or three that have succeeded therein, who were immediately well rewarded for their pains.(來源:Wikipedia,引述 Josephus. Antiquities of Jews. XX, XI.)


Which language did Jesus speak? — some remarks of a semitist,p. 2(页码 p. 10):

Secondly, we shall simply mention that there continue to be scholars who, contrary to the common opinion, maintain that Greek was the language in which a considerable part of Jesus' teaching was originally given. None of these, however, maintains that Greek was the main language used by Jesus in his teaching; their purpose is rather to deny that Greek can be entirely excluded.

但希腊语是《新遗诏圣经》的语言。LXX 是《新遗诏圣经》主要引述的《旧遗诏圣经》的版本。

