记得我有一位教授曾经说过,把整个西方思想历史全部解释为对亚里士多德的注释不是说不通的,虽然他并不推荐这样的解读。亚里士多德对哲学的贡献多不胜数,他是西方“德性伦理学” (virtue ethics) 当之无愧的代表人物。德性伦理学与功利主义 (utilitarianism) 和义务论 (deontological ethics) 组成伦理学三大派别。三派的根本差异在于对行为上对错源头的定位:功利主义认为行为好坏源自于其带来的效果(好的标准是最大多数人的最大幸福);义务论认为行动的正确与否来自于是否符合一套规条原则;德性伦理学认为一个行为的对错来自于行动者的德性。而道德德性是人灵魂的一种状态,是灵魂的健康。像身体的健康一样,道德德性是客观的,它具体的表现也会因具体的情况而定,并不像数学公式似的一成不变。判断的标准则是明智的人在这个情况下会如何选择,而明智只有拥有整全美德的人才能拥有。最终,维基百科说的好,“一切聚焦在德”。
而从亚里士多德的时代就有的道德怀疑论 (moral skepticism) 则偏向了另一面。这派主张道德是完全主观的,没有任何客观标准可言。现在的世代很流行怀疑论;后现代主义就是一种怀疑论,算是对现代主义对于事物、德性的简化窄化的一个反应。
那么,对道德来说过度公式化不好,放弃道德客观性又更令人不敢想,对于道德是什么,如何行德这个问题,这两个最明显的答案 ---
- 道德是客观的!来,这里是算出你应做的行为的公式。
- 没有客观道德一说!杀人、放火、以及其他一切都是人的偏好,没有什么永恒对错之说。
--- 都不甚可爱。
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In Nichomachean Ethics 1106b36-1107a2, Aristotle defines human moral virtue:
在尼各马可伦理学 1106b36-1107a2 处,亚里士多德给出了“德” 的定义:
Def. Virtue, then, is a state of character concerned with choice, lying in a mean, i.e. the mean relative to us, this being determined by reason, and by that reason by which the man of practical wisdom would determine it.
定义. 德性是一种选择的品质,存在于相对于我们的适度之中。这种适度是由理性决定的,就是说,是像一个明智的人会做的那样的确定的。
I will outline the meanings of "virtue", "state of character", "choice", "mean", and "practical wisdom", as Aristotle presents them in Nichomachean Ethics.
我将总结出一些亚里士多德在本书中对 “德性”、 “品质”、“选择”、“适度之中”、和 ”明智” 的解释,为阐明这个定义。
Virtue 德性
Def. The virtue (arete), or excellence, of X is what makes X be in a good condition and makes the work (ergon) of X be done well. (1106a16-18)
定义. 每种德性都既使得它是其德性的那事物的状态好,又使得那事物的活动完成得好
- E.g., the excellence of the eye makes both the eye and its work good; for it is by the excellence of the eye that we see well. (1106a17-18)
When we talk about human virtue, we do not mean that of the body but that of the soul. It is, then, important to exposit the "anatomy" of the soul:
Division of the soul 灵魂的划分 (1102a - 1103a, 1139a7-10)
The human soul has two main parts:
The rational part, which has two parts:
Part for scientific reason: that by which we contemplate invariable things, i.e., the necessary and eternal.
Part for calculative reason: that by which we contemplate variable things, or things we can do something about. This is the faculty for deliberating on how to affect things that are within my control. (Anton Ford)
The irrational part, also divided into two parts:
Appetitive part: that which desires things. In a sense, the appetitive part shares in reason: in a continent man, it obeys reason.
Vegitative part: that which causes nutrition and growth (the excellence of this part is common to all animals, so it is not human-specific virtue)
According to the two main parts of the soul, human virtue is also divided into two main kinds:
- Intellectual virtues, which pertain to both parts of the rational part of the soul
- E.g., philosophic wisdom, understanding, practical wisdom
例如 智慧、理解、和明智
- Moral virtues, which pertains to the appetitive part of the soul
- E.g. liberality, temperance, courage
例如 慷慨、节制、和勇敢
Here, we focus on moral virtues.
Practical Wisdom
- It is thought to be a mark of practical wisdom to be able to deliberate well about what is good and expedient for oneself, what is conducive to the good life in general (what to do . In the general sense, the man who is capable of deliberating has practical wisdom.
- Practical wisdom is that which correctly ascertains what leads to the true goal of human life, or what that goal entails in each particular situation.
Def. Practical wisdom is a true and reasoned state of capacity to act with regard to human goods.
Practical wisdom is "a necessary part or facet of virtue" (Ross). Virtue is not merely the state in accordance with correct reason, but the state that implies the presence of correct reason. (1144b24-26)
A person cannot be practical wise without being morally virtuous.
- A distorted relationship with pleasure and pain (i.e., one without virtue) ruins one's ability to see the purpose, which is the starting point, of actions. Without knowledge of the end, the unvirtuous person cannot see what should be chosen for the sake of that end. In other words, the unvirtuous person cannot possess practical wisdom.
Practical wisdom closely resembles moral virtue.
- "In both practical wisdom and virtue, we prefer an unintentional mistake to a deliberate one. In art and in general expertise, the reverse is true: the more skilled practitioner is the one who, for example, plays a wrong note intentionally." (David Ross)
- Both practical wisdom and virtue are not things people readily forget.
Practical wisdom is a separate state of the soul from scientific knowledge (episteme) and from art (techne).
- It cannot be scientific knowledge or art: its object is not eternal truths, nor is it concerned with making things.
- Difference between making and action: making has an end other than the action itself, while action cannot.
So, practical wisdom presupposes, or even is a part of, the possession of moral virtue.